Interview with James Jardine

Infosec Career Podcast – Episode 8

If you are a developer and are wondering if there is a place for you in security, check out this episode.  James Jardine, of Jardine Software, joins us to talk about what interested him in security and how he carved out his place in the field.  I’ve known James for a long time and he’s got a lot of great experiences to share.

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Jason’s Notes

There are a few things that really stand out to me in this episode.  First, James and I discuss how we find our place in security.  It’s ok if we decide that something we try isn’t what we thought it was.  The great thing about security is there are so many different areas to focus on and we can adjust to our interests.  James gets into this heavily.

Second, we all go through a process of growth in our careers.  We all have or will have things that do that later we look back on wish we had never done.  We will make mistakes and do dumb things.  Frequently this is embarrassing to us later.  But we can and should learn from these experiences.  Hopefully, we can listen to others and learn from their mistakes not go through the same things.

We also have to decide what we are willing to take on at different times of our lives.  It’s important to align with what is important in our lives.  James points out that what he was willing to do at one point in his life is not something he wants to do at this point.  Make sure that you are taking inventory on what you have going on in life, what is most important to you, and as much as you can don’t let those suffer more than you are willing to accept.  You may not be able to get everything that you want, but if you know what you want you can then try to work towards that.  Or know when you need to make a major change for something to even be possible.

James and I also discussed his podcast that is aimed at application security.  His podcast is the DevelopSec Podcast and can be found at  It’s definitely worth your time if you are interested in application security.

Finally, James invited anyone who would like to talk to him about what he said to drop him an email.  You can reach him at

Jason Wood
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